[ { "name": "Touch Find X \u0026 Set X0.0", "description": "Find \u0026 Set X0.0", "gcode": "G20 G38.2 X-0.500 F1 ; G92 X-0.0625 (1/2 the diameter of an 1/8 in bit)" }, { "name": "Touch Find Y \u0026 Set Y0.0", "description": "Find \u0026 Set Y0.0", "gcode": "G20 G38.2 Y-0.500 F1 ; G92 Y-0.0625;G0 Z-0.25 (1/2 the diameter of an 1/8 in bit)" }, { "name": "Go Safely to X0 Y0 \u0026 Z0 ", "description": "Go to X0 Y0 Z0 Safe-Z", "gcode": "G20 G00 Z1.00; G00 X0.0 Y0.0 ; G00 Z0.0 " }, { "name": "Touch Z \u0026 Set Z0.0 with 0.256 plate", "description": "Find \u0026 Set Z0.0 with 0.256 plate ", "gcode": "G20 G38.2 Z-0.500 F1 ; G92 Z-0.256 (Thickness of edgefinder top)" }, { "name": "Touch Z \u0026 Set Z0.0 to Surface", "description": "Find \u0026 Set Z0.0 to surface", "gcode": " G38.2 Z-0.500 F1 ; G92 Z-0.256 (Direct to surface)" }, { "name": "Touch Z \u0026 Set Z0.0 with 0.100 plate", "description": "Find \u0026 Set Z0.0 with 0.1 plate G38 ", "gcode": "G20 G38.2 Z-0.500 F1 ; G92 Z-0.100 (Thickness of edgefinder top)" }, { "name": "Stop Then Go To Safe Z", "description": "STOP raise to SAFE-Z ", "gcode": "G20 G00 Z1.00" } ]